Marine Engineering: New construction pilot jetty
Depenbrock Ingenieurwasserbau (formaly F+Z Baugesellschaft) was awarded the contract to build the new Brunsbüttel pilot jetty. An alternative offer was commissioned. This jetty is used by the pilots to transfer to the pilot vehicles ("Touch-and-Go" jetty).
The tender included the construction of an access walkway over the dike foreland, an access bridge and a mooring pontoon. Considering the accessibility of the jetty even at high tide and flood levels, the jetty was planned with a height of +8.30mNN. Via this jetty the mooring pontoon of the Brunsbüttel pilot house can be reached flood-safe.
Employer: Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Cuxhaven
Construction Period: Apr. 2018 – Ende Oktober. 2018
Specifications / Main Quantities: Tubes / support tubes / dolphins 268 t
Steel Structure approx. 76 t