Renovation of ferry berth 3, Helsingør Færgehavn
After 25 years of trouble-free but intensive operation, ForSea decided in autumn 2022 that it was time to have the ramp systems condition assessed and subsequently overhauled and refurbished for a 15-year lifetime extension.
The task of preparing a condition report and subsequent overhaul/renovation was awarded to Depenbrock Scandinavia in Oct. and Dec. 2022 respectively.
The activities consisted of replacement of corroded and damaged areas of the steel structures, component replacement in main bearings, mooring and primary mooring systems, baffle plates for guide frames and new surface treatment and carriageway paving.
The biggest challenges of the job were the crane activities in connection with the de- and re-installation of the 120- tonne lower ramp under the current site conditions, as well as the construction of interim tents over the ramp and other repair areas to comply with dust and immission requirements All activities were completed on time and, as agreed, the ferry berth was reinstated and commissioned before the 2023 Easter traffic.